Anti-ageing medicine to improve quality of life

A life full of energy and confidence in your own health is a value you deserve
Our doctors have developed therapeutic programs that adapt to today's challenges and provide a high level of medical care, also in an online format.
- General improvement in health and increased quality of life.
- Improved emotional well-being and mental health, such as a significant decrease in the frequency and severity of episodes of depression, anxiety, fatigue, etc
- Rejuvenated appearance
- Improved performance in sport and at work
- Better social and family relationships
- Better sleep
- Improvements in the condition and function of tissues and organs
- Prevention of diseases
- Improved condition of the heart and blood vessels, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
- Improved immune system, improved resistance to infection
- improved pancreas, reduced risk of diabetes
- improved metabolism, even distribution of body fat, reduced risk of obesity
- Improved cognitive functions, reduced risk and slowing down of Alzheimer's disease development
- Partial prevention of cancer (breast cancer and cancer in some other organs)
- Reduced cost of long-term medical treatment
- Extension of life expectancy (longevity, longer and better quality of life)
ANTI-AGE: COMPLETE HORMONES programme includes numerous detailed clinical tests for most of the main indicators: thyroid hormones, adrenal gland function, sex hormones, amino acids, minerals, trace elements and fatty acids. Under close medical supervision, comprehensive analyses are carried out and adjusted to the optimal level of these health indicators.

The HRT programme includes:
- A unique blood test, which examines biochemical parameters, assesses the lipid spectrum and carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hormonal status, inflammation indicators, detects deficiencies of numerous vitamins and essential trace elements, as well as the content of toxic metals in the blood.
- 24-hour urine analysis to check how the body "consumes" hormones and to check the amino acid status.
- Analysis of a specially developed anti-ageing medical questionnaire.
- Interpretation of the results and preparation of individual recommendations
- Detailed consultation of up to four hours with a leading doctor, specialist in preventive medicine
- Recommendations for correcting any imbalances in health indicators and for leading a healthy lifestyle
- A set of individually selected certified products manufactured in the EU and/or the USA.
- Help in finding, purchasing and delivering medicines anywhere in the world
- Qualified medical support during the first visit and after consultations on the prescribed therapy

The results are interpreted by the world's leading experts in the field of preventive and anti-ageing medicine, members of WOSAAM who have many years of experience in leading centres of preventive medicine.
Your doctor will give you recommendations on how to correct the deficiencies identified in the tests, as well as how to restore your health to optimal levels.

3500 €
A woman's body begins to age long before menopause. Take action today.
The only two hormones whose production increases with age are leptin, which is responsible for obesity, and insulin, which leads to diabetes. The production of all other hormones decreases. When the skin lacks oestrogen, the amount of collagen and elastin decreases, the skin dries out, wrinkles begin to appear and facial contours slacken. The decrease in testosterone leads to the formation of cellulite and less muscle mass - the cheeks, buttocks and inner arms begin to sag as well. In other words, the female body begins to age long before the menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) aims to restore physiological levels of female hormones, mainly oestrogen and progesterone in pre- and post-menopausal women. Before menopause, the menstrual cycle is controlled by two hormones produced in the ovaries. However, with the onset of menopause (sometimes up to ten years before), the production of oestrogen and progesterone gradually decreases and then stops. Consequently, menstruation becomes irregular before it disappears completely.

In a comprehensive consultation with a specialist, compensatory measures for deficiencies of sex hormones, thyroid hormone, adrenal glands (DHEA, cortisol, etc.), pituitary hormones (vasopressin, growth hormone, oxytocin) and other deficiencies such as vitamins and minerals will be identified and worked out. Your doctor will give you tailor-made recommendations for optimal nutrition and lifestyle.

When carried out correctly, hormone treatments have a number of advantages. Controlled therapy, carefully prepared individual doses, constant support from a competent and experienced doctor - all this leads to successful results.

3500 €
This programme consists of the diagnosis and correction of the main hormonal disorders of the male organism due to age-related and lifestyle changes (stress, unbalanced diet and limited physical activity).
After (I would remove "some") extensive laboratory tests and a detailed consultation, a therapy is prescribed which treats the following disorders:
- unwanted symptoms during andropause;
- early andropause;
- absence or decrease of libido;
- erectile dysfunction.

Within this programme, the doctor may prescribe some additional tests that will help to assess possible risks and suggest methods of correction of:
- inflammatory and neoplastic processes of the male reproductive system;
- cardiovascular diseases.

The results are interpreted by the world's leading experts in the field of preventive and anti-aging medicine, members of WOSAAM who have many years of experience in leading centres of preventive medicine.
Your doctor will give you recommendations on how to correct the deficiencies identified in the tests, as well as how to restore your health to optimal levels.

3500 €
  • I visited this clinic many times, and it never disappoints! Huge thanks to the team for their utmost professionalism, precise scheduling of my consultations, and welcoming spirit.
    Will always keep coming back again and again in the future!
    Oxana Petrovskaya
  • I came from Brussels to get the most advanced therapies. The team will examine the individual in its entirety and propose a roadmap that is consistent end-to-end. This is what I was looking for and I found it. I strongly recommend the clinic for the demanding patients that expect outstanding results.
    Lionel Pereira
More information on anti-ageing programs
Our experts will provide you with all the information you need

+34 652 20 30 10 (Tlf. or WhatsApp)
Carrer de Pau Claris, 178, 08037 Barcelona
[email protected]
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